miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010


Have you ever thought that music defines you and tells a little bit about your self? There are many kinds of music around the world, like regeton, pop, metal, rock and much more. Music is a big part of my life, I hear music 24/7, also when I'm doing homework I hear music, I helps me to concentrate. I don't have a specific type of music, most of the time it depends on my mood, sometimes I feel like listening to fast music, or sometimes I feel like listening to slow music. Instruments are also useful if you want to enjoy music, because the help you create the melody of the song.  
The instruments I enjoy playing are the guitar and the bass, also I used to play the flute for band class, but that's a different story. Anyway music has a big roll in humans because it allows us to express what we think. When I'm mad, sometimes I listen to music really loudly and that calms me down, also when I'm sad or hipper. Many of my friends think that if a person doesn't enjoy music, that person is a boring person with no life. Music doesn't have to be people singing, it can be a melody or a rhythm, all our surroundings are music, if we listen closely we can hear the nature singing. The birds sing each morning, the trees move with the movement of the wind and when the rivers flow, or the hearing of the water coming down the water fall crashing with the rocks, all that is the natures melody. Life is based on music, even though not many people recognize it.

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